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Helping companies address supply chain challenges, improving supply chain speed, agility, and resilience.

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Industry Challenges and Requirement

  • 复杂的供应链.svg

    Complex Supply Chain Networks

    Companies in the industrial goods industry typically rely on multiple suppliers to provide components and raw materials, involving multi-layered, complex global supply chain networks.

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    Demand Fluctuations

    Market demand fluctuates significantly, and if the supply chain fails to adjust promptly to these fluctuations, it may lead to inventory buildup or inability to meet demand.

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    Transportation Efficiency

    Efficient order management and distribution are crucial for maintaining production line continuity and customer satisfaction.

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    Technological and Innovation Pressure

    The industrial goods industry requires constant updates to products and production processes, which can put additional pressure on the supply chain.

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    Global Supply Chain Disruption

    Globalization has made the supply chain more complex but has also increased the risk of disruptions due to factors such as geopolitical tensions, trade wars, or unforeseen events.


How Will TTX Optimize Your Supply Chain

  • Understanding Industry Challenges

    Challenges such as reliance on suppliers, high degree of business personalization, rapid technological innovation, and fluctuations in market demand pose challenges to enterprise supply chains.

  • Comprehensive Solutions

    Unified supply chain management system, forming a closed-loop business, improving supply chain speed, agility, and resilience, helping enterprises optimize production plans and execute optimal fulfillment strategies.

  • Global Visibility, Flexible Configuration

    By unifying the supply chain and creating end-to-end visibility (from planning to execution, inventory, and delivery), TTX provides you with a flexible, efficient, and configurable supply chain experience.

Revenue Value and Advantages

To reduce inventory waste by at least 5% and improve delivery efficiency.

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    Supply Chain Real-Time Visibility

    TTX's supply chain solution provides real-time visibility, allowing companies to track the sources, transportation, and delivery status of raw materials and components, enabling risk reduction, analysis, balancing of outcomes, and quick, agile, and confident responses.

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    Integrated Demand and Supply Planning

    TTX's supply chain solution helps companies achieve the optimal balance of inventory levels through optimized inventory management. By using demand forecasting-based inventory planning and distribution optimization, companies can reduce inventory costs while ensuring they meet production demands.

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    Order Management and Distribution Optimization

    TTX's supply chain solution enhances order processing speed and on-time delivery rates through automated order processing, intelligent route planning, and distribution optimization. This helps companies shorten order processing cycles, reduce distribution costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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    Supplier Collaboration and Cooperation

    TTX's supply chain solution facilitates information sharing, coordinated planning, and resource sharing between companies and suppliers, enabling overall optimization of the supply chain. This empowers companies to better respond to market changes and customer demands, improving supply chain flexibility and responsiveness.


  • Order Management System

    Order Management System

    As the core system of digital supply chain, it automatically executes optimal fulfillment strategies, truly achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

  • Warehouse Management System

    Warehouse Management System

    An elastic and flexible WMS that effortlessly meets complex warehouse management needs.

  • Transportation Management System

    Transportation Management System

    Transparent visibility into the order fulfillment process, intelligent transportation scheduling, improving business synergy efficiency among various roles, and reducing user communication costs.

  • Billing Management System

    Billing Management System

    Introducing rule engine billing for flexible configuration, meeting complex business billing needs, and enhancing billing efficiency, accuracy, and standardization.

  • Supply Chain Control Tower

    Supply Chain Control Tower

    Simplify complex data into dashboards, monitor business operations in real-time, and assist in making informed decisions.

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Improve Logistics Supply Chain Management Efficiency, Starting Now!

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